Softball Player "Why " play the game
Posted by Kris Massaro, Softball Strong on Nov 25th 2016
The evolution of the softball player or baseball player hasn't changed much through the years. The style of play and advanced training techniques may have changed but the journey of a player remains the same. Each player starts for their own reasons, and as they travel on path it's an amazing picture that develops as a player grows within the sport of softball or baseball. What may have started as just another activity becomes a love. It is really hard to describe the feeling a softball player or baseball has to someone who has never played. It is like describing a trip to a foreign country to someone that has never left the town they grew up in. They will not appreciate the trip, literally. They will not understand the various cultures encountered, the sounds and smells or even the sacrifices made to take the trip. Softball players and baseball players make hundreds of sacrifices in their personal lives, put in hour upon hour of training, taking lessons and practice over and over again. They have traveled numerous miles for one goal and that is to play the game that has ignited countless moments that will forever be engrained in their life. So a softball or baseball players why, their ultimate reason for playing there is no answer but they all have things in common; the love that has kept each of them playing every day.. It is the things encountered along the way. The people, places, opportunities, challenges faced and all the lessons learned.To this day softball and baseball players still keep them close to their heart. To everyone who loves the sport and has their why…… cheers..